Pre daljeg čitanja želimo da Vas upoznamo sa namenom ovog bloga. On je samo Vaš. Demokratska Srbija je mesto na kojem svaki posetilac ima pravo i slobodu da iznese svoje mišljenje, komentare i konstruktivne predloge, da ne kažemo i OBAVEZU, jer zalaganje svih donosi najdalekosežniji razvoj. Jedno je jasno, što je više glasova koji skreću pažnju na sebe, bićemo snažniji. Takvi treba da budemo, ako želimo da sadašnju depresivnu i apatičnu viziju naše zemlje promenimo i ostvarimo istinski napredak.

NASTOJAĆEMO da političke partije uvrste ideje običnih ljudi u svoje programe i prekinu sa demagogijom kojom ističu kako rade za naše dobro.

Nemojte da budete pesimisti, snaga interneta i društvenih mreža pokazala je da je zajednica 21. veka, upravo VIRTUALNA ZAJEDNICA, a događaji s početka ove godine u svetu to su i dokazali. Pobedimo bedu, beznađe i neperspektivnost u koju smo zapali! Oformimo novi "savez za promene"!

24. 4. 2011.

A democratic Serbia: World Press Freedom Day 2011

A democratic Serbia: World Press Freedom Day 2011

Status quo is unsustainable!

    World Press Freedom Day in the context of journalistic profession in Serbia could represent the beginning of solving the deep crisis, at least at the level of initiating a serious and sincere dialogue Problematic relationship between the government, professional journalist organizations, journalists and other individuals, marks the reform in this area of social activity as a complex problem. However, the dialog, in which each party would present a description of the current situation and propose a proper method to achive progress, in any case, would mark a step forward.  The State of Serbia should be a driving force in this process because it should have a primare interest to defend press freedom and journalists' testimonies as an expression of free speech. This, of course, is in accordance with its Constitution and existing laws.
    The current status quo is unsustainable. I believe that media freedom in Serbia is still under severe threat. Local press are exposed to the effects of the economic crisis and lack of vision for the future of this area, while the financial position of journalists is terrifying. Press freedom and safety of journalists are also a cause for concern. In Belgrade and Loznica investigative journalists live under 24-hour police protection and that is not the only place where their safety is threatened. Independent newspapers are suffering economic and political pressure.
    Two streets bear the names of our departed colleague Slavko Ćuruvija and Milan Pantić, but I still wonder why the goverment did not provide the sufficient and independent investigation into their killings.
In addition, I believe that Serbia, like many other countries across Europe is in need of a clear media strategy that would be implemented in cooperation with professional organizations. Press freedom, safety of journalists, media independence, respect for copyright in the digital environment, appropriate and suitable working conditions based on collective agreements, and innovative business models, are the central elements of journalism that can be considered a public good.
Of great importance to an open, transparent and constructive dialogue with media professionals is an implementation of the necessary reforms, so the journalists in Serbia escape the life of poverty, corruption and fear.
    My experience in the profession, that stretches over ten years, gives me the right to present this assessment, because I, like most journalists, had to meet the threats and harassment, aldo I was just doing my professional duty . Unfortunately, those journalists who have acted without fear, in an idealistic belief in fundamental human rights, who informed the public about true facts have been pushed aside, were mentally and physically abused and ultimately killed.
    At the end, I will likw to state that there is no lasting democracy without press freedom. As Serbia strives towards being a democratic society, goal of reaching a full freedom of the press is a must! Please spread this word and by doing so, help Serbian journalists feel more protected!

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